5 must-have tips for picking an impactful, profitable online course topic
Mar 27, 2020
Will you be like one of theses start ups launched during the last recession? (08-10)
I’ve been an online wedding creative for over 10 years now and have really embraced the joy and excitement that comes with getting more sales, clients, building my audience and adding additional revenue streams including courses, memberships and coaching all online.
But I also know that so many wedding creatives out there are struggling to make money right now. And are looking to alternative avenues to get noticed and discovered.
You want to know how to….
✔️Recoup lost revenue
✔️Get clients and sales online
✔️Grow your audience online
✔️Translate your skills and passion into money online
✔️Market to the right client
✔️Create additional revenue streams that need less attention
✔️Find alternative revenue streams
✔️Get out of your own way
I get it! I feel you. This is where I have been and this is also where I decided that I needed to make a change and do something different.
That I needed to start to explore other things. I learned from that experience that the pain I was experiencing was for a reason.
Stay with me for a second. We often don’t make changes or do things differently unless we are put into pain or a struggle.
Right now we all are in pain, especially the wedding and event industry. But we need to look at this pain as a teacher, teaching us a lesson. A teacher who is trying to get us to realize:
👉🏼 That we need to make a change in our business and not put all our eggs in one basket. That we need to diversify our streams of income.
I know there are going be people who hear this and don’t listen and that’s cool. You aren’t for me and that’s fine…BUT there will be some that totally get it and understand that this situation had to happen for them to realize all the things that they’ve been saying they want to do to diversify their income stream, they need to do now.
Or even better, they’ve been scared to add these additional streams of income because they haven’t wanted to mess up a good thing they had going so they just never pursued it.
Whichever person you are….don’t worry because NOW IS YOUR TIME.
My advice to you is to start thinking about what you can do RIGHT now to get more clients and sells online. And for me that additional online revenue has come from products like online courses, memberships and coaching sessions or programs.
And the first step to creating these is to come up with a topic.
Here are 5 tips to help you come up with a topic or idea for creating your new online revenue, whether it’s an online course, membership or coaching sessions or a digital product.
1️⃣ What has helped you that will help others?
2️⃣ Discover the needs of your audience and match it to your expertise.
3️⃣ Choose one pressing problem your audience faces and offer a simple solution. - It’s all about solving a problem, if you aren’t solving a problem then you won’t have paying customers - just saying! #realtalk
4️⃣ Study the competition - yes you can, it’s ok!
5️⃣ Choose a topic based on data and feedback. Don’t make assumptions - just because you don’t think someone won’t buy something because you wouldn’t, doesn’t mean they won’t. You are serving your audience not yourself.
I did a video over in my private group and went into a bit more detail about all of these.
So if you are in the wedding or event industry and would like to dive into attracting more clients/sales online with online courses, memberships, coaching sessions or digital products join Online Revenue for Wedding Creatives and Entrepreneurs.
Come on over and grab a seat because this is the time to be the visionary, not feeding into the fear that is keeping so many people stuck and paralyzed.
And if you are interested in getting things started and launching your course immediately, Sign up to work with me and get your course launched in 30 days because I have a couple spots still left for 1:1 work.
Grab your FREE 8 Ways to Start Making Online Revenue TODAY here.
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