7 Unique Ways to Find New Clients for Your Business

building audience business help Jan 04, 2021
ways to find new clients

The hunt for new clients never ends. You need to always be out there generating leads, even when you have plenty of work to keep you busy. It takes time to nurture relationships and you never know when you’ll bump into a lucrative business opportunity. Here are 7 unique methods for finding new clients.

Ask for Referrals

The best business comes from referrals. A happy client tells others about you and the new person already knows the unique value you offer. We usually wait for referrals to naturally occur, but it’s even better to ask for them proactively. Make it a regular part of your business operations. Whenever you receive positive feedback from a client, ask if there’s anyone they know who could use the help too.

Join Social Media Groups

Social media is essential for finding new clients, but are you active in groups? There are groups dedicated to every single topic of interest on these platforms. These are places where people get together and discuss common interests. If you’re active there, you’ll raise your visibility.

Speak at Industry Events

Find offline industry events and trade shows to speak at. Share your expertise with people and you’ll find new clients. Give a presentation on a topic related to the work you do, then encourage participants to follow you online. By teaching them, you’ve already started the relationship by giving them something of value they can use.

Hold Webinars

Hold your own educational events online through webinars. The great thing about webinars is that you don’t have to attend physically. They are low-cost and people from anywhere in the world can join. While you share your expertise with participants, you can start building a relationship with them.

Put out Press Releases

Whenever there’s any news related to your business or your industry, put out a press release. There are directories where you can publish press releases online and media outlets will pick them up. You can also use press releases as content on your website or social media.

Write Guest Blog Posts

Guest blogging helps you reach a new audience with your expertise. Reach out to blogs in your niche with a pitch for a post and see if they’ll publish it. They get a free piece of high-quality content and you get exposure to their audience. Approach guest blogging strategically, writing, and publishing on a regular basis to high-traffic blogs.

Create Free Information Products

Pay it forward by offering free information products. Info products are cheap and easy to produce. They can be published on your website and other places online for potential clients to download and enjoy in exchange for their email address. You can then market to them through email.

Create a Strategic Marketing Mix

Always be on the lookout for new marketing channels and strategies. Add them to your mix one by one and monitor the results. Gradually, you’ll have a whole arsenal of techniques to help find new clients.

Do you want to learn more about how to attract new clients?

Check out my work with me page to see how I can help you learn how to market and sell your offers. 

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